Discuss the analyst’s experiment and data they have found with the regression analysis

Category: Business
Subject: Accounting
Due Date: 07/24/2014
Question Asked: 2014-07-03 03:57:06


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User: ZAZU2014
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Discuss the analyst’s experiment and data they have found with the regression analysis


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Discuss the analyst’s experiment and data they have found with the regression analysis

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Posted on 2014-07-03 03:57:06

Posted by:

User: ZAZU2014
Rating: C+ (1)
earnings: $11.00
Questions: 60
Tutorials: 30
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...reasing number of seats instead of trying to fill the extra empty seats would be a better choice for the airline to increase revenue. The airline was not able to provide enough seats or enough flight option in a certain route where passenger’s demand was high.  I also believe that airline business has huge fluctuation on passenger activities and the cost is definitely variable for most of the airlines due ...

The full tutorial is about 360 words long.