BUS 401 Week 1 Quiz _1. Suppose the following rates are averages for banks in your area: interest checking accounts pay

Category: Business
Subject: Accounting
Due Date: 01/17/2016
Question Asked: 2016-01-18 00:09:16


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User: easy1
Rating: A+ (7)
Earnings: $382.59
Questions: 35
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1. Suppose the following rates are averages for banks in your area: interest checking accounts pay 1%, savings accounts pay 2%, and one-year certificates of deposit pay 3%. All accounts are federally insured by the FDIC. The difference in rates can be explained mainly by (Points : 1)
liquidity premiums.
default risk premiums.
maturity premiums.
inflation risk premiums.


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BUS 401 Week 1 Quiz _1. Suppose the following rates are averages for banks in your area: interest checking accounts pay

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Posted on 2016-01-18 00:09:16

Posted by:

User: easy1
Rating: A+ (7)
earnings: $382.59
Questions: 35
Tutorials: 53
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Preview: certificates of deposit pay 3%. All accounts are federally insured by t...

The full tutorial is about 52 words long.