11. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning both the dollar return and the percentage return on a

Category: Business
Subject: Finance
Due Date: 01/31/2016
Question Asked: 2016-01-31 10:55:34


Asked by:

User: LightspeedLearning
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11. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning both the dollar return and the 

percentage return on a stock investment? 

A. The dollar return is dependent on the size of the investment while the percentage return is 


B. The dollar return is more accurate than the percentage return because the dollar return 

includes dividend income while the percentage return does not.

C. The dollar return considers the time value of money while the percentage return does not.

D. Dollar returns are based on capital gains while percentage returns are based on the total 

rate of return.

E. Dollar returns must either be zero or a positive value while percentage returns can be 

negative, zero, or positive.


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11. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning both the dollar return and the percentage return on a

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Posted on 2016-01-31 10:55:34

Posted by:

User: LightspeedLearning
Rating: No Rating (0)
earnings: $1.10
Questions: 369
Tutorials: 369
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...s correct concerning both the dollar return and the percentage return on a stock investment? A. The dollar return is dependent on the size o...

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