12. Percentage returns: I. are easy to understand. II. relay information about a security more easily than dollar ret

Category: Business
Subject: Finance
Due Date: 01/31/2016
Question Asked: 2016-01-31 10:56:24


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User: LightspeedLearning
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12. Percentage returns:

I. are easy to understand.

II. relay information about a security more easily than dollar returns do.

III. are not affected by the amount of the investment.

IV. can be easily separated into dividend yield and capital gain yield.

A. II and III

B. I and III only

C. I, II, and III only

D. I, II, and IV only

E. I, II, III, and IV


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12. Percentage returns: I. are easy to understand. II. relay information about a security more easily than dollar ret

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Posted on 2016-01-31 10:56:24

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User: LightspeedLearning
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earnings: $1.10
Questions: 369
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...estment.IV. can be easily separated into dividend yield and capital ...

The full tutorial is about 64 words long.