Case Study Assignment 7: Enterprise Planning: At The Broadway Cafe customers receive more than just a great cup of coffe

Category: Business
Subject: Management
Due Date: 05/29/2014
Question Asked: 2014-05-16 05:25:57


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Case Study Assignment 7: Enterprise Planning

This assignment is as follows:

At The Broadway Cafe customers receive more than just a great cup of coffee - they currently receive exposure to music, art, literature, and town events. The cafe’s calendar for programs gives their customers a quick view into their corner of the world.

For this assignment, come up with an activity that might draw more customers to your coffee shop. In about a Word page, identify the activity and explain why it would be a draw. Then create a list of 10 questions that you need answers to (you do not need to provide answers) in order to make this a viable activity.

For example, your activity might be a fly-fishing tying night. You will explain why this might attract people, but first you need to know the following 10 pieces of information. Your question #1 might be: "Do more women or men frequent the Broadway Cafe?" (As you can tell, depending upon the activity you have chosen, gender may play a part.) Or other demographic information (hint) or the size of the group it might attract (hint) or the cost (if any) - and so on.

There is generally no right or wrong to this assignment, but you could lose points if you don't pose the right questions that will lead to you being in a position to make decision as to whether or not your activity is a viable one or describe your event in enough detail.

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Posted on 2014-06-10 23:58:27

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Case Study Assignment 7 100% correct

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Posted on 2014-06-11 00:58:43

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User: xmen
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...tion. Your question #1 might be:

The full tutorial is about 249 words long.