If the owner of a whole life policy who is also the insured dies at age 80, and there is no outstanding loans on the pol

Category: Economics
Subject: Law and Economics
Due Date: 02/05/2016
Question Asked: 2016-02-05 12:06:52


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If the owner of a whole life policy who is also the insured dies at age 80, and there is no outstanding loans on the policy, what portion of the death benefit will be paid to the beneficiary?

A. The face amount minus the premiums that would have been collected until the insured reaches the age of 100

B. A full death benefit

C. A death benefit equal to the cash value of the policy

D. 50% of the death benefit


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If the owner of a whole life policy who is also the insured dies at age 80, and there is no outstanding loans on the pol

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Posted on 2016-02-05 12:06:52

Posted by:

User: LightspeedLearning
Rating: No Rating (0)
earnings: $1.10
Questions: 369
Tutorials: 369
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...standing loans on the policy, what portion of the death benefit will be paid to t...

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