Networking for Job BUSN 320

Category: Business
Subject: General Business
Due Date: 06/27/2014
Question Asked: 2014-06-20 20:15:08


Asked by:

User: xmen
Rating: F (1)
Earnings: $16.50
Questions: 15
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Explain following for Professional Networking Events

1. Networking Goal

Identify and explain the overall objective of meeting with this individual.

2. Event and Proof

Outline the person interviewed, their title, organization, the address where the interview was conducted as well as the date and time of the actual interview.

Explain why you chose this individual, how it is relevant to your career goal.

Ensure you coordinate the information interview meeting in writing (email) and print the email(s) as evidence of proof. An email confirmation is the only acceptable evidence of proof that will be accepted.

3. Networking  

Outline 5 pieces of intelligence that you have proactively learned about this individual prior to meeting with them?  

Provide, in a question and answer format, at least 10 questions you initiated and the answers they specifically provided.

4. The Results  

In summary, outline your opinion of the informational/networking interview overall, the highlights and lowlights.

Based on this experience, what next steps will you take? Outline what 2 specific actions you plan


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Networking for Job BUSN 320

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Posted on 2014-06-20 20:15:08

Posted by:

User: xmen
Rating: F (1)
earnings: $16.50
Questions: 15
Tutorials: 16
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The full tutorial is about 0 words long with attachments.

4b networking.docx  (Preview)